I've been sewing a ton lately. I have the new machine sort of figured out. I can do the basic sewing and I can do the decorative stitches. Let's just say that I need a little more practice on the embroidery part. There are just so many variables that go into the embroidery that I'm having a little trouble getting it all figured out. You have to figure out the which stabilizer, what thread to use, which bobbin thread to use, how to put the fabric in the hoop, and so on and so on . . . I'm working on it though and I'll be ready to monogram things in the very near future.
So here's a few new things I've made for the shop. A cute little travel tissue dispenser and keychain set. This is a nice example of the decorative stitching from the new machine. I love this little set.
Then here's a little zippered bag. You could use it for a makeup bag or maybe even a little clutch purse. I just love this black tapestry fabric and I've already made 2 items from it. I have just a little bit left and I'll be sad when it is gone because it was the last of this fabric that the store had too.
The last one is a purse, tissue dispenser and keychain set. I love how everything matches in this set. I'm dying to make something like this for myself. But I'm so busy right now that making something for myself is the last thing on the list. The purse is a kind of a little purse but I really am liking carrying a smaller purse. If my purse is smaller, then I can't carry every single thing I own in it. And the smaller size forces me to clean out my purse more often.
Check out my store for lots of new things in the coming weeks. I am advertising on several different days starting this Friday so I am trying to get my shop full of new items. I want everyone to visits the store to have a good selection. Okay I'm off to sew!